Monday, October 5, 2020

World Missions - "I Am So Glad To Be in This Group!"

We have two special Facebook pages for making the free PDFs available for people. 

Free Books for Lutheran World Missions - 100 members and growing.

Classic Lutheran Books - 305+ members.

One of my overseas Facebook friends wrote, "I am so glad to be in this group!"

I pointed out that when we started to gather "a few" old Lutheran classics, we wanted to  make sure people knew how to get them. 

The most important American Lutheran authors are - 
  1. Lenski
  2. Loy
  3. Jacobs
  4. Krauth
  5. Schmauk, etc.
These authors were usually only found at seminary auctions, when pastors died and the library already had those volumes.

I enjoy promoting something worthwhile, so I did some reviews on Amazon and on my blogs. I thought Facebook would reach some new people. 

The surprise was the number of PDFs Alec Satin created. After we printed Luther's Postils, where he was the major worker, Alec caught the print book fever and began converting prepared PDFs into low cost print books.

Some people have reprinted public domain books, but they often charge a large sum for a substantial profit. The books we provide are non-profit and designed to be used in future generations, not locked up in an estate trust.

These print books are sold non-profit, and many have been supplied at the author's or editor's price, which is very low indeed.

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    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...