Friday, October 2, 2020

Lutheran Librarian - Arndt's True Christianity PDF and Book

The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry also offers Arndt's True Christianity as a free PDF.

The print copy of True Christianity can be purchased here.

One of the turning points in Christianity happened when Spener was invited to add a preface to Arndt's True Christianity.

Spener used the opportunity to promote his own approach, and that marked the beginning of Pietism, a blend of Calvinism and Lutheran doctrine, featuring doctrinal indifference and cell groups.

Pietism also emphasized charities and world missions, but quickly settled into rationalism.

Arndt is not to blame, so the original work should be read on its own.

I consider this bedspread a perfect example of what the Lutheran Librarian, Alec Satin, would use to keep warm while preparing his next dozen books.


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