Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Plans for the Walther Book

The Missouri Synod's only humor book can fill the parsonage with laughter, if only by comparing the solemn declarations of the Great Walther to his behavior. 

Walther the American Calvin - 

A Synod Built on Felonies and False Doctrine

I appreciate the interest being shown as the rough drafts are being published. The last section of the book will deal with Walther's Election without Faith, which he used to break up the Olde Synodical Conference. Not to worry, the genius leaders today have stitched together a new union, based by Walther's confused and anti-Biblical Objective Justification.

In brief, Walther could not convince his own sect to make OJ official, so his gambit included two assaults on the truth. One was to manipulate Missouri into hiring Francis Pieper as his successor, to parrot his OJ just as he parroted Stephan's - and that worked well, albeit slowly. The second assault was his promotion of Calvin's double-predestination, Election without Faith, to drive out anyone who disagreed with his Easter absolution of the World (OJ) nonsense.

These three are more difficult to remove than a grease spot after a McDonalds meal in the car. The most alarming fact is that the next bunch of SPs will be even worse, just as these false prophets have shown themselves to be even more determined than their predecessors. 

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