Thursday, October 1, 2020

Keep Up with the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - Alec Satin

“There are two things which Rome hates with an implacable hatred. They are the Bible and liberty. At any cost, Rome is bound to fight down these two things, till they are completely destroyed… Thanks to the betrayals of the politicians, and the delusions of the theologians, except God makes a miracle of it, the Bible and liberty are doomed in the United States…

Whenever the Church of Rome has the power to do it she has persecuted the Protestants to her utmost capacity. She has sent them to jail, she has confiscated their goods, she has sent them into exile, or even put them to death. Before the conquest of Canada by the English, it was forbidden to Protestants to live in that country. They had the choice between going to jail or becoming exiles, if they persisted in their Gospel religion. In France, thousands have lost their lives, and have been forced to go and die in exile for becoming Protestants. In a single night, and the four or five months after the St. Bartholomew massacre, seventy-five thousand Protestants were slaughtered in France by the order of the Pope…

“In an important sense, I have written this book because I could not help it. The truth I have is not my own — it belongs to my heavenly Father, and the treasure in the earthen vessel I am bound to give to others as far as I can. With this feeling and purpose, I send forth this volume on its mission, hoping that it will be doing good after I am gone, and thus, though dead, I still may speak to others. — Charles Chiniquy

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    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...