Saturday, March 18, 2017

For Easter - Norma Boeckler's Religious Art

Linked here are many of Norma Boeckler's art projects.
Her Religious Art can be found here.

I have the honor of working with Norma Boeckler all the time. She is always ready to design my book covers and the interior art as well.

I use her artwork in this blog, on Facebook, and in our worship posts. I know she takes great pleasure in providing religious art, which she shares across the Internet via Facebook. She has so many fans that one person wrote me, "You KNOW Norma Boeckler???"

 Norma Boeckler has won many awards for her artistic work.

This book is a wonderful example of how Norma uses her talent to communicate the Gospel. I am convinced that today's religious art is essential, the equivalent of the stained glass windows of European cathedrals.

Nothing connects the message better than uniting that with a picture. We know that from the teaching of Jesus. He always used picture language rather than abstract terms, not just in the parables, but also in His sermons and shorter messages.

I collected quotations on a database, Megatron, for a long time. I reached 3,000 and had trouble remembering them all when I wanted to call them up. Once I began pairing them with graphics, I remembered them better and so did others. One woman wrote me, "Could you post the roses quotation from Luther again?" Using the pictures folder, I found it immediately.

Those who know Norma Boeckler also enjoy her company. Her garden is a masterpiece (adorning my Creation Gardening book). Her home is filled with beautiful artwork and furniture. Best of all, she is a delight to be with, an example of the fruits of the Spirit.

 This is Norma Boeckler's garden and cover design.

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