Tuesday, March 8, 2022

KJV 2 - In Production

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Janie Sullivan has sent the new book to Amazon for printing and the Kindle version. That takes a few days to finish, under the watchful eye of HAL 9000.

The original has been rewritten and enlarged by 50% - almost 300 pages.

I am tired of superficial people knocking a Bible they know so slightly, so I gathered 10+ pages of praise for the King James Version. That is at the front of the book, where it belongs.

I also have an extensive list of books at the end, which will help people do similar research. I added notes to that list because I realized how much I had to learn to get the new version completed.

There are two major parts. The first one includes more information and appreciation concerning the KJV. 

The second part exposes the modern New Testament text (pieced together from fraudulent and dubious sources). When people the extent of the deception, they will be enraged or appalled. 

Below are four ladies who did so much to make this happen. Member Randy Anderson began supporting the writing efforts, which allowed me to stop relying on extra work. Many others have done the same. 

 Norma A. Boeckler created the covers and illustrations.

 Janie Sullivan went over the final version to fix errors and send it on to Amazon and Kindle.

 Virginia Roberts is the champion of proof-reading.


 Christina cheered on every writing project.

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