Tuesday, June 15, 2021

At the Editor's - The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God

I sent The Bible Book to our gifted finishing editor, Janie Sullivan - yesterday. She is already working on it this morning. She is familiar with my shortcomings, so she sandpapers the rough places so we get a book with the looks of one from the big publishing houses. Not only that, but Norma A. Boeckler always gives the book a special artistic flair, from the covers to the extra graphics - our modern stained glass windows.

Virginia Roberts was eager to edit the final version and adjust the final details, without the qualms and delays of the author. I can spot my own errors easily - after they are in print.

 Janie Sullivan does exactly what I need in finishing the book.

I was mollified to learn how many typos were in the first King James Version. The Wicked Bible is known for the printers leaving "not" out of the Sixth Commandment. Originals are rare and expensive.

 Virginia Roberts loves to find fault with my typos.
She is also a good indicator of what is worthwhile in a Lutheran book.

Westcott-Hort raged against the Majority (Stephanus) text, also called the Received Text. After 140 years - when the duo posted their barbaric, dishonest Greek New Testament, which is now "The Standard Text" (Kurt Aland), the KJV is still the dominant Bible read, far exceeding the  NIV and ESV.

 These are a few of the 110, inexpensive print editions from Alec Satin - The Lutheran Librarian, plus 275 online books - The Lutheran Library - provided for free.

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    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...