Saturday, January 19, 2019

Luther's House Postils Being Prepared for Publication

  1. Warren Malach encouraged us to pursue this project.
  2. Soon - the text was prepared by Alec Satin, The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry.
  3. The covers are being completed by Norma A. Boeckler for the full color and black and white editions.
  4. There will also be a Kindle ebook edition, 99 cents for each of the three volumes.
  5. Janie Sullivan will work on the print and Kindle editions.
  6. A Gems book will be compiled from the best long quotations in those three volumes, to be called tentatively - Household Sermon Gems from Luther's Postils. I hope to make it full color and shorter for inexpensive, beautiful gifts, the best kind of education and evangelism.
  7. God willing, a combination PDF will be made of all three color volumes and the Gems, one file, offered free and public domain for anyone and everyone to share.
The people in world missions are very pleased about our free, public domain distribution of an increasing number of titles.

Alex Satin already has 72 books I have used, would use again,  and "new ones" I would gladly have in my print library. These are old Lutheran classics that should be known by pastors and laity but fall into neglect. Why? The ALC/LCA ignores their faithful scholars from the past. The LCMS-WELS-ELS leaders favor Walther, Fuller Seminary, and Willow Creek.

My books are all being made available as free, public domain ebooks. I will get more of them posted if I can get off this D5 avalanche for a few days. Yes, I have a welcome break from online teaching coming up for a few weeks. That will work out fine.

Here is your one-stop place for everything mentioned above:

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    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...