Thursday, June 20, 2024

Contributions of Matthew's Gospel


Special Contributions - Each of the Four Gospels

Two of the Gospels are directly associated with the Apostles - Mark and Luke. 

Matthew and John are Apostles. 

KJV John 14:But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

John's Gospel is clearly the last of the Four Gospels, and we may assume that Matthew, Mark, and Luke are in order.

Matthew is especially Jewish in its format, which can be seen as relating to the Five Books of Torah (Pentateuch)  - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. 

The Messiah is proclaimed and described throughout the Old Testament. As Luther wrote, the Scriptures for the Apostles are confined to the Old Testament. The New Testament books are sermons on the Scriptures, which the Biblical sermons are built upon. My Old Testament students agree that they have very little Old Testament in their background. 

Genesis 3:15 - the Atonement.

And Genesis 15:6 Justification by Faith. 

Outline based on the Five Discourses

Introduction: Infancy Narrative: Chapters 1–2

Narrative: 3–4

First Discourse: "Sermon on the Mount": 5–7

Narrative: 8–9

Second Discourse: "Missionary Instructions": 10

Narrative: 11–12

Third Discourse: "Collection of Parables": 13

Narrative: 14–17

Fourth Discourse: "Community Instructions": 18

Narrative: 19–22

Fifth Discourse: "Sermon on Eschatology": 23–25

Conclusion: Passion & Resurrection Narrative: 26–28 

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