Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Contributions of Mark's Gospel



Mark's Gospel was the favorite of the apostate scholars who came from Halle University and from England. Note the Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament Mark 1:1 - This is the beginning of the Gospel  of Jesus Christ [omitted - the Son of God].

They also loved to end Mark with 16:8 - 8 And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid. 

[Their Gospel ends with gar - for.]

They were also allergic to miracles.

1. Mark is associated with Peter. His Gospel is the shortest and emphasizes the miracles.

2. Mark is concise when Matthew and Luke are more detailed - usually - in covering the same topic. Unique - Mark has the seed growing secretly. Q is a scholarly hoax with no proof.

3. The Passion of Christ is about 25% of this Gospel, which is roughly what the other Gospels have in relation to the entire Gospel.

4. "Scholars are divided." That means avoiding the issue.

5. That is a "hapax." It is only found once, so they cannot compare it to a similar passage.

6. Mark is a "simple Gospel for simple people who believe in miracles." The 19th century adored rationalism - note the hallowed attitude toward Evolution, scorn about Creation and miracles.

7. Benefits - a shorter Gospel is easier for reading or copying the entire book.

8. Being concise is useful in comparison with the longer Gospels.

9. One can buy a copy of all four Gospels in parallel columns - interesting and educational.

10. John's Gospel - Thursday - hints at Jesus' Baptism and Holy Communion, but read carefully what is revealed. One might say that John is supplemental and therefore only touching upon topics.

The pigs were so demonic, they signed up for Fuller D.Mins degrees.

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