Friday, December 15, 2023

Lutheran Library - New Publication on the Papacy - Wylie


The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects “…combines at once the rare qualities of clear statement, vigorous logic, and eloquent style. Its tone and spirit are worthy of an Evangelical Alliance.” - Baptist Magazine


  • About the Lutheran Library
  • Other Works by Wylie
  • Dedication
  • Evangelical Alliance
  • Contents

Book 1. History of the Papacy

    1. Origin of the Papacy
    1. Rise and Progress of Ecclesiastical Supremacy
    1. Rise and Progress of the Temporal Sovereignty
    1. Rise and Progress of the temporal Supremacy
    1. Foundation and Extent of the Supremacy
    1. The Canon Law
    1. Church of Rome Neither Has Nor Can Renounce Her Principles on the Supremacy

Book 2. Dogmas of the Papacy

    1. The Popish Theology
    1. Scripture and tradition
    1. Of Reading the Scriptures
    1. Unity of the Church of Rome
    1. Catholicity of the Church of Rome
    1. Apostolicity, or Peter’s Primacy
    1. Infallibility
    1. No Salvation out of the Church of Rome
    1. Original Sin
    1. Of Justification
    1. Of the Sacraments
    1. Baptism and Confirmation
    1. The Eucharist - Transubstantiation - The Mass
    1. Of Penance and Confession
    1. Of Indulgences
    1. Of Purgatory
    1. Of the Worship of Images
    1. Of the Worshipping of Saints
    1. The Worship of the Virgin Mary
    1. Faith Not to be Kept with Heretics

Book 3. Genius and Influence of the Papacy

    1. Genius of the Papacy
    1. Influence of Popery on the Individual Man
    1. Influence of Popery on Government
    1. Influence of Popery on the Moral and Religious Condition of Nations
    1. Influence of Popery on the Intellectual and Political Condition of Nations

Book 4. Present Policy and Prospects of the Papacy

    1. Sham Reform and Real Re-Action
    1. New Catholic League and Threatened Crusade Against Protestantism
    1. General Propagandism
    1. Prospects of the Papacy

Publication Information

  • Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020 updated: 2023
  • CopyrightCC BY 4.0
James Aitken Wylie

Scottish historian of religion and Presbyterian minister.



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