“Rome has never acknowledged her errors nor admitted her moral defeat. The lessons of past history are wasted upon her… A recent Catholic writer correctly says: ‘There is no doubt that the religious problem today is still the Luther problem.’ Almost every statement of those religious doctrines which are opposed to (Roman) Catholic moral teaching find their authorization in the theology of Martin Luther.” – William Dau
1 Luther Worship.
2 Luther Hatred.
3 Luther Blemishes.
4 Luther’s Task.
5 The Popes in Luther’s Time.
6 Luther’s Birth and Parentage.
7 Luther’s Great Mistake.
8 Luther’s Failure as a Monk.
9 Professor Luther, D. D.
10 Luther’s “Discovery” of the Bible.
11 Rome and the Bible.
12 Luther’s Visit at Rome.
13 Pastor Luther.
14 The Case of Luther’s Friend Myconius.
15 Luther’s Faith without Works.
16 The Fatalist Luther.
17 Luther a Teacher of Lawlessness.
18 Luther, Repudiates the Ten Commandments?
19 Luther’s Invisible Church.
20 Luther on the God-Given Supremacy of the Pope.
21 Luther the Translator of the Bible.
22 Luther a Preacher of Violence against the Hierarchy.
23 Luther, Anarchist and Despot All in One.
24 Luther the Destroyer of Liberty of Conscience.
25 “The Adam and Eve of the New Gospel of Concubinage.”
25 “The Adam and Eve of the New Gospel of Concubinage.”
26 Luther an Advocate of Polygamy.
27 Luther Announces His Death.
28 Luther’s View of His Slanderers.
About the Author – William Herman Theodore Dau
“W. H. T. Dau was born February 8, 1864 in Pomerania. He emigrated to America in 1881, and graduated Concordia Seminary in St. Louis in 1886. He first served as pastor in Memphis, TN from 1886-1892, then was president of Concordia College in Conover, NC from 1892-1899. From 1899-1905 he served as pastor in Hammond, Indiana, then was professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, from 1905-1926. From 1926-1929 he was president of Valparaiso University in Indiana.
From “Dau, William Herman Theodore” retrieved 2018-03-16 from cyclopedia.lcms.org
Publication Information
Lutheran Library edition first published: 2018-03-16
“Rome has never acknowledged her errors nor admitted her moral defeat. The lessons of past history are wasted upon her… A recent Catholic writer correctly says: ‘There is no doubt that the religious problem today is still the Luther problem.’ Almost every statement of those religious doctrines which are opposed to (Roman) Catholic moral teaching find their authorization in the theology of Martin Luther.” – William Dau Contents Preface. 1 Luther Worship. 2 ...
Now available is this encouraging and hard to find volume of expositions by beloved pastor R C H Lenski. Richard C. H. Lenski (1864-1936) is best known for his insightful and still invaluable series of New Testament Commentaries. He served as Professor of Theology at Capital University and President of the Western District of Joint Synod of Ohio and Editor Die Lutherische Kirchenzeitung. Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful. Dr. Lenski’s sermons are ...
Este breve y ampliamente utilizado catecismo es evidencia de que los Luteranos del Sínodo de Missouri no hace mucho tiempo claramente enseñaron y creyeron en la justificación por la fe. Heinrich Christian Schwan fue presidente del Sínodo de Missouri durante 20 años (1878-1899), pero ese largo servicio y sus actividades pastorales y misioneras se han borrado de las historias de la LCMS. La presidencia de Schwan se intercaló entre las presidencias de CFW Walther y el sucesor en la enseñanza ...
“Each party has its own cherished project, which it will strive to the utmost to realize. The Ultramontanes will conspire to lift the Church of Rome once more to universal sway over the nations. The Reactionaries will energetically labor to bring back the palmy days of despotic governments; and the Revolutionists, inferior in numbers and energy to neither of the other two parties, will leave no stone unturned towards realizing their golden dream of a universal republic.” — ...
“Preaching on John is a series of exegetical-homiletical text studies in which the person of John the Evangelist and some of his choice teachings are treated. After submitting each text to a thorough and satisfying exposition in which applications to present-day life are constantly made, the author presents some sermon outlines and offers homiletic hints.” “There is an abundance of helpful material here for a series of sermons on the disciple whom Jesus loved.” — ...
‘This volume has been inspired by a desire on the part of the author to create deeper love for the great lyrics of the Christian Church… To know the hymns of the Church is to know something of the spiritual strivings and achievements of the people of God throughout the centuries. Henry Ward Beecher has well said : “Hymns are the jewels which the Church has worn, the pearls, the diamonds, the precious stones, formed into amulets more potent against sorrow and sadness than ...
This volume includes “Of the Two Natures of Christ” by Martin Chemnitz, “The Doctrine of Infant Salvation,” “Some Hindrances to Jewish Missions (and how to remove them),” “Liberty and the Reformation” by Matthias Loy, and others! “This Magazine is designed to supply the want, long since felt, of a Lutheran periodical devoted to theological discussion. Its aim will be the exposition and defense of the doctrines of the Church as confessed in ...
Now available is this encouraging and hard to find volume of expositions by beloved pastor R C H Lenski. Richard C. H. Lenski (1864-1936) is best known for his insightful and still invaluable series of New Testament Commentaries. He served as Professor of Theology at Capital University and President of the Western District of Joint Synod of Ohio and Editor Die Lutherische Kirchenzeitung.
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.
Now available is this encouraging and hard to find volume of expositions by beloved pastor R C H Lenski. Richard C. H. Lenski (1864-1936) is best known for his insightful and still invaluable series of New Testament Commentaries. He served as Professor of Theology at Capital University and President of the Western District of Joint Synod of Ohio and Editor Die Lutherische Kirchenzeitung. Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful. Dr. Lenski’s sermons are ...
Este breve y ampliamente utilizado catecismo es evidencia de que los Luteranos del Sínodo de Missouri no hace mucho tiempo claramente enseñaron y creyeron en la justificación por la fe. Heinrich Christian Schwan fue presidente del Sínodo de Missouri durante 20 años (1878-1899), pero ese largo servicio y sus actividades pastorales y misioneras se han borrado de las historias de la LCMS. La presidencia de Schwan se intercaló entre las presidencias de CFW Walther y el sucesor en la enseñanza ...
“Each party has its own cherished project, which it will strive to the utmost to realize. The Ultramontanes will conspire to lift the Church of Rome once more to universal sway over the nations. The Reactionaries will energetically labor to bring back the palmy days of despotic governments; and the Revolutionists, inferior in numbers and energy to neither of the other two parties, will leave no stone unturned towards realizing their golden dream of a universal republic.” — ...
“Preaching on John is a series of exegetical-homiletical text studies in which the person of John the Evangelist and some of his choice teachings are treated. After submitting each text to a thorough and satisfying exposition in which applications to present-day life are constantly made, the author presents some sermon outlines and offers homiletic hints.” “There is an abundance of helpful material here for a series of sermons on the disciple whom Jesus loved.” — ...
‘This volume has been inspired by a desire on the part of the author to create deeper love for the great lyrics of the Christian Church… To know the hymns of the Church is to know something of the spiritual strivings and achievements of the people of God throughout the centuries. Henry Ward Beecher has well said : “Hymns are the jewels which the Church has worn, the pearls, the diamonds, the precious stones, formed into amulets more potent against sorrow and sadness than ...
This volume includes “Of the Two Natures of Christ” by Martin Chemnitz, “The Doctrine of Infant Salvation,” “Some Hindrances to Jewish Missions (and how to remove them),” “Liberty and the Reformation” by Matthias Loy, and others! “This Magazine is designed to supply the want, long since felt, of a Lutheran periodical devoted to theological discussion. Its aim will be the exposition and defense of the doctrines of the Church as confessed in ...
We are Bible-believing Christians who subscribe without reservation to the Augsburg Confession as an accurate summary of Scripture, the chief article of which is Justification by Faith. Our purpose is to make available solid and encouraging material to strengthen believers in Christ. Prayers are requested for the next generation, that the Lord will plant in them a love of the truth, such that the hard-learned lessons of the past will not be forgotten. Table of Contents The Sole Rule of ...