Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Starting Now - The Second Edition of The Bible Book


I now have most of the books I ever wanted on the Greek New Testament. Those authors are fortunate - no one reads them. If the public read those efforts to bury the Majority (Byzantine) text of the New Testament, the scholars would be laughed out of academe.

But surprise! There are some good authors who understand and appreciate the Bible as God's Word, unique and inerrant. They also have the skills to examine claims and expose false assertations with little or no warrant (evidence) for their acceptance.

The revised version - how the irony abounds - will be clearer and have annotated lists of books, good and bad, on the Bible.

The I AM Sermons of Jesus Christ, 

Found Only in John's Gospel

After the second edition is finished, I will write a book on the I AM sermons in the Gospel of John. Some of my Old Testament students have been especially stunned and in awe of the Gospel of John/Old Testament connections.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Publishing Plans - Lutheran Christina Is Now in Print and on Kindle

 Helen - 
"Is this the face that launched a thousand ships,
That burnt the topless towers of Ilium?"
Homer's Iliad inspired Marlow's poem, where these words came from.


Lutheran Christina: Memories about a Pastor's Wife is now in print and on Kindle. I am sending copies to the usual suspects.

After that will be the second edition of The Bible Book: The KJV Reborn for Those Who Love the Word of God.

Following that will be the I AM sermons of John's Gospel.

I am thinking about a book on the Biblical hymns, the favorites and the overlooked ones.

I plan to publish lectures on the KJV, etc.


Monday, October 11, 2021

The New Lutheran Christina - At Janie Sullivan's Finishing Desk
Next Is The Bible Book, Second Edition


The last week was a daily round of finding more photographs and editing...just one more time. Janie Sullivan has the material now.

 At Kermit and Maria's wedding, 44 years ago, Christina is on the left. Some of the first cousins are on the left and right. 

 Sassy wore her Christmas sweater for Christina's first walk after surgery.

Christina (left) and Maria sat for a portrait. In the cedar trunk, less than 1% of the photos are good for publishing. Professional photos last better and print better.

 Nothing is quite as much fun as a personal book. Some recent ones via Lulu Press are  Andrea's Love, Joy, and Faith, one on the Creation Garden, another one on the Meyer family.

 This is the back cover of Lutheran Christina.

    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...