Saturday, November 21, 2020

Apology of the Augsburg Confession - Audio Gutenberg

Melanchthon and Luther are on YouTube.

Apology of the Augsburg Confession, I-IV (God, Original Sin, Christ, Justification) - Audio Gutenberg blog

Apology, I-IV, YouTube

I.   Europe considered Melanchthon a genius. He could have gone many places to be Number 1 there.

II.  Luther thought of Melanchthon as an ideal partner in their religious work together. 

III. When Luther died, Melanchthon preached the sermon.

Those are three reasons people should have the highest regard for Melanchthon, the key person writing the Augsburg Confession and the author of its defense - The Apology of the Augsburg Confession. We should use the old-fashioned and perfectly good words - like Apology - so we do not end up like Dick, Jane, Sally, Spot, and Puff - endlessly repeating short words to make up for a lack of study.

Audio Gutenberg - Launched by the Internet

The Internet has proven to be the greatest achievement in communication since a wine press was turned into a printing press. Every book became available at a low price, and illustrated lessons, like the Small Catechism, could be printed by the thousands. Radio and TV were intermediate steps but both require plenty of money for an individual to launch. Having a computer and broadband is cheaper now than owning a used car.

Listening to something worthwhile has grown as a hobby, even a necessity, for many people. If it is easy to access and free, time spent watching scripted celebrities can be converted to enjoying the treasures of the Gospel. 

Travis and Lauren Cartee began Audio Gutenberg, the YouTube series backed by the Audio Gutenberg blog. They have put together Travis reading the first part of the Apology, so an impressive but overlooked expression of the Gospel can be enjoyed on any digital device.

I asked our Philippine Missionary Pastor Jordan Palangyos if those readings would be useful for his congregation. (Looking far ahead, I think they will.) His reply was brilliant - "They will be very good for pastors. It will be helpful for future students."

Of course! If the leaders know and appreciate the Apology, so will their members. Lutherans have gone through many times when the Reformation was little more than a dimly remembered spark. Times of recapturing the witness - the Defense - of the Gospel has always been rewarding for those on the verge of becoming generic atheists.

Picture the classic church library. When I was tied to real estate and buildings, the library was invariably a collection of Reader's Digest Condensed Books that nobody read or wanted.  Our current church library  - on the Internet - has almost 300 classic books as PDFs and is moving toward 100 printed books.

We have over 100 people on Facebook looking for free Lutheran books for world missionaries.

Audio Gutenberg Blog

Friday, November 6, 2020

Lutheran Librarian and the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry, Alec Satin

Abraham Lincoln address by Watterson

Henry Watterson's address about Lincoln is the latest printed book from the Lutheran Librarian (print books) and also in the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry (free PDFs). This is only $3.95 printed.

Lutheran Librarian Print Books, Amazon - Author's Page Link


Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry Website - Searchable

Compendium of Lutheran Theology

Schmauk and Krauth are my favorites in fighting for Luther's Biblical theology in their age of Calvinists pretending to be Lutherans - not only in the Missouri Synod but also in their counterparts from the General Synod split. 

The General Council rejected the revivalism and Calvinism of the General Synod.

Now we have the same thing in the new LCMS-ELS-WELS union, purring and drooling over Objective Justification, which is little different from ELCA's. But they are joined at the wallet anyway, with all their covert work through Thrivent's pro-abortion money machine.

Compendium of Lutheran Theology

Schmauk's work was the swan song of the General Council, a masterpiece before the successful work of his group and seminary led to the loosey goosey United Lutheran Church in America merger of 1918.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Philippine Mission Computer - 60% Funded

Kitten pictures are expected on this blog, so enjoy them.

Pastor Jordan Palangyos has been borrowing Amabel's work computer for his work for the Bethany Lutheran Mission. He has done more with it than most Lutheran pastors in the US of A. 

We are donating toward a laptop for the mission, and we have sent $300 or 60% of the estimated cost ($500 cost).

They just completed the October Rice Mission, which included distributing $1,000 worth of rice.

Pastor Jordan Palangyos and his wife, Dr. Amabel Palangyos.

Every meal in the Philippines includes rice, so the current shortage is a major problem. 

 The chapel started from the ground up, and work remains to be done.
God has blessed the mission with good workers and help from all over.

From the Lutheran Librarian and Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry

Print Copy: The Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures by John Urquhart - “Lutheran Librarian” edition
Download the eBook PDF - [Formatted for Computer Use] EPUB - [Apple, Kobo] MOBI - [Kindle]

If you request an EPUB or MOBI version, you can expect to receive it within a few hours. If you don't hear back by the next day, check your spam or junk mail folder. This is especially true for yahoo mail.

You can also request a copy of this or any Lutheran Library e-book by sending an email to with the title and format you'd like.

Enjoy the book!

Publication InformationLutheran Library edition first published: 2020Copyright: CC BY 4.0 

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