Monday, April 29, 2019

Upcoming Books

 According to David Scaer, Moses was a synergist, because he described Justification by Faith. No Objective Justification! Not only that, lacking OJ, nothing is left but sanctification. Moses was a Romanist too.

Volume 2 of Luther's House Postils is at Amazon and requires a little tinkering.

Volume 3 is read to upload there this week.

The Path to Understanding Justification is almost done, rough draft.

The next two titles will be:

The Ichabod Lutheran Dictionary

American Lutheran Doctrinal History

Logically, the phrase subjective justification can only have meaning if there is objective or some other kind of prior justification. Remove “objective” from the justification equation, then subjective justification becomes nothing other than sanctification, God’s work within the sinner to make him a believer. That is the Roman Catholic position. If subjective justification completely defines God’s justification of the sinner, then Christ can be seen as the cause of justification, but not the one who completes it. This can only be done by faith. If this is so, all theology is not Christology.
Scaer, David P. Surviving the Storms: Memoirs of David P. Scaer (Kindle Locations 5575-5580). Luther Academy. Kindle Edition.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Luther's House Postils and Upcoming Works

Janie Sullivan has Volume 1. She will work on the next two volumes as she finishes this one. I should be able to get the next two to her pretty fast. Alec Satin did most of the work and Norma Boeckler designed the covers and illustrations.

Each volume will be printed

  1. in color, 
  2. black and white, and 
  3. as a Kindle ebook.

Each PDF will be posted a free, public domain volume.

From the printed copies we will gather House Postil Gems, publishing that in color only. Virginia Roberts is helping with this, her second Gems.

I warned Janie that I will ask her to merge volumes 1-3 and the Gems into one PDF.

I have started the Ichabod Lutheran Dictionary and will be working on that until I finish the Zs.

Justification by Faith Exegesis
This has a priority deadline, because of my wife's birthday on July 20th. It falls on the anniversary of the moon landing, and the start of the LCMS convention.

I know how Lutherans avoid real research outwardly, but it spreads inwardly, stealthily nevertheless. The great and wise did everything short of a book-burning with Thy Strong Word, but it got around and is still read.

The Otten-McCain-Harrison regime is the most toxic ever, so I hope that Lutherans will recognize the truth of the Chief Article, the swindle of Objective Justification, its crafts and assaults.

American Lutheran Doctrinal History
Someone asked me to summarize American Lutheran history, and I countered with - Yes, if I deal mainly with doctrine. My plan is to deal with the ELCA side as one movement, the Stephan-Walther side as the other.

    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...