Saturday, December 8, 2018

Public Domain, Author's Price, and Free

First of all, all my books are public domain - past, present, and future - so people may translate, copy, and reprint them without a visit from our attorney, Glen Kotten.

I am doing this because the actuaries give me 21 years to live (NML) but God only knows. The problem becomes how to make books available much longer. The UOJ Church Shrinkers ban my books so they sell their garbage - like The Truth about Luther, from Christian News and an ignorant papist bigot. Therefore, there is no profit damage.

I am going to reduce all my Kindles to 99 cents, which will make the books even easier to distribute. The print books on Amazon will also have no profit, a minor reduction in price.

The best price for printed books is always the author's price,  ordering through me. Many times extra books are provided as well.

DropBox Public Folder
Everything will go into the public folder in DropBox, which means anyone can download - whether they have DB or not. I suggest getting the free version to make it easier to store them and save other documents.

I will look into obtaining all the old books in their final form so they can be ebooks in the public folder. There will be no limit in sharing them, copying them, using them in various forms. Since they are public domain now, use them as desired, noting their origin.

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    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...