Sunday, January 21, 2018

Publishing Updates on the Sermons of Martin Luther

Norma A. Boeckler is currently illustrating Volume VI of Luther's Sermons. I get to make another try at editing the volume before it goes to Janie Sullivan and Amazon-Kindle.

Volume V was delayed a bit by Amazon, so I am just getting to the orders now, and sending the third box to Africa. This time they will get all of Luther's Gospel Sermons from the set (I-V). Soon, all will be done with the Gems volume added.

Virginia Roberts is editing Volume VII, and I am sending her a partially edited Volume VIII to her for editing.

Planned already and already started:

  1. Luther's Two Catechisms.
  2. An Ichabod Lutheran Dictionary.
  3. A Brief Commentary on the Gospel of John.

This is going to be a doctrinal teaching year, so Romans 1-5 in English and Greek will be taught weekly after Easter, using Ustream. Other potential classes on video will be Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, etc.

I will create a Facebook page or pages for the video classes, so they can be used later.

 Loehe's other seminary is Wartburg
in Iowa: ELCA with a vengeance.

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    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...