Melanchthon and Luther are on YouTube. |
Audio Gutenberg Blog |
Melanchthon and Luther are on YouTube. |
Audio Gutenberg Blog |
Abraham Lincoln address by Watterson |
Henry Watterson's address about Lincoln is the latest printed book from the Lutheran Librarian (print books) and also in the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry (free PDFs). This is only $3.95 printed.
Lutheran Librarian Print Books, Amazon - Author's Page Link
Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry Website - Searchable
Compendium of Lutheran Theology |
Schmauk and Krauth are my favorites in fighting for Luther's Biblical theology in their age of Calvinists pretending to be Lutherans - not only in the Missouri Synod but also in their counterparts from the General Synod split.
The General Council rejected the revivalism and Calvinism of the General Synod.
Now we have the same thing in the new LCMS-ELS-WELS union, purring and drooling over Objective Justification, which is little different from ELCA's. But they are joined at the wallet anyway, with all their covert work through Thrivent's pro-abortion money machine.
Compendium of Lutheran Theology |
Schmauk's work was the swan song of the General Council, a masterpiece before the successful work of his group and seminary led to the loosey goosey United Lutheran Church in America merger of 1918.
Kitten pictures are expected on this blog, so enjoy them. |
Pastor Jordan Palangyos and his wife, Dr. Amabel Palangyos. |
Every meal in the Philippines includes rice, so the current shortage is a major problem. |
The chapel started from the ground up, and work remains to be done. God has blessed the mission with good workers and help from all over. |
Walther the American Calvin -
A Synod Built on Felonies and False Doctrine
I appreciate the interest being shown as the rough drafts are being published. The last section of the book will deal with Walther's Election without Faith, which he used to break up the Olde Synodical Conference. Not to worry, the genius leaders today have stitched together a new union, based by Walther's confused and anti-Biblical Objective Justification.
In brief, Walther could not convince his own sect to make OJ official, so his gambit included two assaults on the truth. One was to manipulate Missouri into hiring Francis Pieper as his successor, to parrot his OJ just as he parroted Stephan's - and that worked well, albeit slowly. The second assault was his promotion of Calvin's double-predestination, Election without Faith, to drive out anyone who disagreed with his Easter absolution of the World (OJ) nonsense.
Clear print, large format quality paperback available on Amazon by the Lutheran Librarian
“The translation of the Augsburg Confession adopted in this volume is the well-known one of Dr. Charles P. Krauth, which he has kindly revised as the proof-sheets passed through his hands.
“In the Small Catechism, the translation prepared by Dr, Charles F. Schaeffer with the co-operation of a committee of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, and in universal use in the English churches of the General Council, is reprinted, with the addition of the formula for confession contained in the Book of Concord.
“The Large Catechism was translated for this work by Rev. A. Martin, Professor of the German Language and Literature in Pennsylvania College, to whom the Editor is greatly indebted for assistance and advice also in other directions.
“The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles and the Formula of Concord were translated by Henry Eyster Jacobs. The rendering of the Apology is from the Latin, the German translation of Justus Jonas of the Concordienbuch being more of a paraphrase than a translation, differing sometimes from the original by the omission, introduction and transposition of entire paragraphs, and therefore inducing the editors of some of the best German editions of the Symbolical Books to prepare fresh translations. We have, accordingly, carefully revised our translation from the Latin, by comparing it with the German translations of Schöpf, Köthe, Spieker and Bodemann.
The Print Version of Loy's The Sermon on the Mount can be found here.
“There is not an article in our creed that is not an offence to somebody; there is scarcely an article that is not a stumbling block to some who still profess to be Christians. It seems but a small concession that we are asked to make when an article of our confession is represented as a stumbling block to many Christians which ought therefore in charity to be removed, but surrendering that article would only lead to the surrender of another on the same ground, and that is the beginning of the end; the authority of the inspired Word of our Lord is gradually undermined.
“The history of the Church confirms and illustrates the teachings of the Bible, that yielding little by little leads to yielding more and more, until all is in danger; and the tempter is never satisfied until all is lost. – Matthias Loy, The Story of My Life
Matthias Loy (1828-1915) is a theological giant of American Lutheranism. He served as president of the Joint Synod of Ohio, the Columbus Seminary and Capital University, and edited the Lutheran Standard and the Columbus Theological Magazine. In 1881 he withdrew the Joint Synod from the Synodical Conference as a result of Walther’s teaching about predestination. Many of Matthias Loy’s books are available in Lutheran Library editions.
“Salvation is the great end for which the Son of God came into the world. To restore fallen man to his original state of holiness and happiness, he must be delivered from the curse of sin that is upon him and the power of the devil that enslaves him.
“The mistake of those who direct all their efforts toward making men better and improving human society by teaching and enforcing the law… is of serious consequence to the souls of men… It can neither save their souls nor make them good… The only help for us is in Christ, without whom we can do nothing; and that help consists first of all in the forgiveness of our sins, which separate us from God and all that is good, and deprive us of all true peace and joy. Therefore the Christian life depends on faith in the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
“‘Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.’ Rom. 5:1, 2.
Matthias Loy (1828-1915) served as president of the Joint Synod of Ohio, the Columbus Seminary and Capital University, and edited the Lutheran Standard and the Columbus Theological Magazine. In 1881 he withdrew the Joint Synod from the Synodical Conference as a result of Walther’s teaching about predestination. Many of Matthias Loy’s books are available in Lutheran Library editions.
“Have you not, dear brethren, sometimes given way to doubts about the mercy of Jesus when sin oppressed you sorely and its guilt and its curse stood in appalling blackness before your eyes? Is it not needful that we should again and again set the precious truth before our eyes, that Jesus receiveth sinners with an eager and earnest desire to save them?
“When you feel your burden of sin weighing heavily upon you, only go to Him… Only those who will not acknowledge their sin and feel no need of a Savior — only these are rejected. And these are not rejected because the Lord has no pity on them and no desire to deliver them from their wretchedness, but only because they will not come to Him that they might have life. They reject Him, and therefore stand rejected. But those who come to Him, poor and needy and helpless, but trusting in His mercy, He will receive, to comfort and to save.” – Matthias Loy
“We should again and again set the precious truth before our eyes, that Jesus receiveth sinners with an eager and earnest desire to save them.”
“When you feel your burden of sin weighing heavily upon you, only go to Him… Only those who will not acknowledge their sin and feel no need of a Savior — only these are rejected. And these are not rejected because the Lord has no pity on them and no desire to deliver them from their wretchedness, but only because they will not come to Him that they might have life. They reject Him, and therefore stand rejected. But those who come to Him, poor and needy and helpless, but trusting in His mercy, He will receive, to comfort and to save.” – Matthias Loy
Matthias Loy (1828-1915) is a theological giant of American Lutheranism. He served as president of the Joint Synod of Ohio, the Columbus Seminary and Capital University, and edited the Lutheran Standard and the Columbus Theological Magazine. In 1881 he withdrew the Joint Synod from the Synodical Conference as a result of Walther’s teaching about predestination. Many of Matthias Loy’s books are available in Lutheran Library editions.
Clear print, large format quality paperback available on Amazon by the Lutheran Librarian
“For years the want of a collection of sermons in the English language, similar to the Postils in extensive use for edification in our German churches, has been deeply felt, and the writer has been repeatedly requested to contribute something towards supplying that want. Believing that in a matter of this kind the judgment of others should not be disregarded, he has at last yielded to these solicitations and furnished the manuscript of the sermons forming this volume. For offering them to the public the Board of Publication of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ohio and other States is responsible.
“One of the items taped into the back of the book is a 1936 postcard addressed to Mrs. Yost and Mattie. Mattie Yost is also the name written in the front of the book. I did a Google search on “Mattie Yost” and found a newspaper article from the early 1970s. It gave some biographical information and stated that she was in a nursing home at around 90 years old. Somehow, I think she’d be pleased that her old book had found its way to people who could use it.” – J. A.
A Grateful Thanks To Jonathan Anderson
Whose Gift Of This Rare And Wonderful Volume
Allows The Wisdom of Our Dear Brother Matthias Loy
To Be Made Available to New Generations
Of Believers in Jesus Christ.
From the Lutheran Library Editor.
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