Saturday, November 21, 2020

Apology of the Augsburg Confession - Audio Gutenberg

Melanchthon and Luther are on YouTube.

Apology of the Augsburg Confession, I-IV (God, Original Sin, Christ, Justification) - Audio Gutenberg blog

Apology, I-IV, YouTube

I.   Europe considered Melanchthon a genius. He could have gone many places to be Number 1 there.

II.  Luther thought of Melanchthon as an ideal partner in their religious work together. 

III. When Luther died, Melanchthon preached the sermon.

Those are three reasons people should have the highest regard for Melanchthon, the key person writing the Augsburg Confession and the author of its defense - The Apology of the Augsburg Confession. We should use the old-fashioned and perfectly good words - like Apology - so we do not end up like Dick, Jane, Sally, Spot, and Puff - endlessly repeating short words to make up for a lack of study.

Audio Gutenberg - Launched by the Internet

The Internet has proven to be the greatest achievement in communication since a wine press was turned into a printing press. Every book became available at a low price, and illustrated lessons, like the Small Catechism, could be printed by the thousands. Radio and TV were intermediate steps but both require plenty of money for an individual to launch. Having a computer and broadband is cheaper now than owning a used car.

Listening to something worthwhile has grown as a hobby, even a necessity, for many people. If it is easy to access and free, time spent watching scripted celebrities can be converted to enjoying the treasures of the Gospel. 

Travis and Lauren Cartee began Audio Gutenberg, the YouTube series backed by the Audio Gutenberg blog. They have put together Travis reading the first part of the Apology, so an impressive but overlooked expression of the Gospel can be enjoyed on any digital device.

I asked our Philippine Missionary Pastor Jordan Palangyos if those readings would be useful for his congregation. (Looking far ahead, I think they will.) His reply was brilliant - "They will be very good for pastors. It will be helpful for future students."

Of course! If the leaders know and appreciate the Apology, so will their members. Lutherans have gone through many times when the Reformation was little more than a dimly remembered spark. Times of recapturing the witness - the Defense - of the Gospel has always been rewarding for those on the verge of becoming generic atheists.

Picture the classic church library. When I was tied to real estate and buildings, the library was invariably a collection of Reader's Digest Condensed Books that nobody read or wanted.  Our current church library  - on the Internet - has almost 300 classic books as PDFs and is moving toward 100 printed books.

We have over 100 people on Facebook looking for free Lutheran books for world missionaries.

Audio Gutenberg Blog

Friday, November 6, 2020

Lutheran Librarian and the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry, Alec Satin

Abraham Lincoln address by Watterson

Henry Watterson's address about Lincoln is the latest printed book from the Lutheran Librarian (print books) and also in the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry (free PDFs). This is only $3.95 printed.

Lutheran Librarian Print Books, Amazon - Author's Page Link


Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry Website - Searchable

Compendium of Lutheran Theology

Schmauk and Krauth are my favorites in fighting for Luther's Biblical theology in their age of Calvinists pretending to be Lutherans - not only in the Missouri Synod but also in their counterparts from the General Synod split. 

The General Council rejected the revivalism and Calvinism of the General Synod.

Now we have the same thing in the new LCMS-ELS-WELS union, purring and drooling over Objective Justification, which is little different from ELCA's. But they are joined at the wallet anyway, with all their covert work through Thrivent's pro-abortion money machine.

Compendium of Lutheran Theology

Schmauk's work was the swan song of the General Council, a masterpiece before the successful work of his group and seminary led to the loosey goosey United Lutheran Church in America merger of 1918.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Philippine Mission Computer - 60% Funded

Kitten pictures are expected on this blog, so enjoy them.

Pastor Jordan Palangyos has been borrowing Amabel's work computer for his work for the Bethany Lutheran Mission. He has done more with it than most Lutheran pastors in the US of A. 

We are donating toward a laptop for the mission, and we have sent $300 or 60% of the estimated cost ($500 cost).

They just completed the October Rice Mission, which included distributing $1,000 worth of rice.

Pastor Jordan Palangyos and his wife, Dr. Amabel Palangyos.

Every meal in the Philippines includes rice, so the current shortage is a major problem. 

 The chapel started from the ground up, and work remains to be done.
God has blessed the mission with good workers and help from all over.

From the Lutheran Librarian and Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry

Print Copy: The Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures by John Urquhart - “Lutheran Librarian” edition
Download the eBook PDF - [Formatted for Computer Use] EPUB - [Apple, Kobo] MOBI - [Kindle]

If you request an EPUB or MOBI version, you can expect to receive it within a few hours. If you don't hear back by the next day, check your spam or junk mail folder. This is especially true for yahoo mail.

You can also request a copy of this or any Lutheran Library e-book by sending an email to with the title and format you'd like.

Enjoy the book!

Publication InformationLutheran Library edition first published: 2020Copyright: CC BY 4.0 

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Plans for the Walther Book

The Missouri Synod's only humor book can fill the parsonage with laughter, if only by comparing the solemn declarations of the Great Walther to his behavior. 

Walther the American Calvin - 

A Synod Built on Felonies and False Doctrine

I appreciate the interest being shown as the rough drafts are being published. The last section of the book will deal with Walther's Election without Faith, which he used to break up the Olde Synodical Conference. Not to worry, the genius leaders today have stitched together a new union, based by Walther's confused and anti-Biblical Objective Justification.

In brief, Walther could not convince his own sect to make OJ official, so his gambit included two assaults on the truth. One was to manipulate Missouri into hiring Francis Pieper as his successor, to parrot his OJ just as he parroted Stephan's - and that worked well, albeit slowly. The second assault was his promotion of Calvin's double-predestination, Election without Faith, to drive out anyone who disagreed with his Easter absolution of the World (OJ) nonsense.

These three are more difficult to remove than a grease spot after a McDonalds meal in the car. The most alarming fact is that the next bunch of SPs will be even worse, just as these false prophets have shown themselves to be even more determined than their predecessors. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Luther's Galatians Now on Audio Gutenberg YouTube - Linked on Audio Gutenberg Blog

Travis and Lauren Cartee

The Audio Gutenberg Blog has all the recordings of Luther's Galatians on the page linked.

Galatians is Luther's finest work, along with the Small Catechism.

On YouTube, this is the headquarters of Audio Gutenberg. Subscribe to the series and like the videos to increase their visibility.

The Solid Declaration of the 
Formula of Concord

III. The Righteousness of Faith

6] This article concerning justification by faith (as the Apology says) is the chief article in the entire Christian doctrine, without which no poor conscience can have any firm consolation, or can truly know the riches of the grace of Christ, as Dr. Luther also has written: If this only article remains pure on the battlefield, the Christian Church also remains pure, and in goodly harmony and without any sects; but if it does not remain pure, it is not possible that any error or fanatical spirit can be resisted. (Tom. 5, Jena, p. 159.)

67] Concerning what is needful furthermore for the proper explanation of this profound and chief article of justification before God, upon which depends the salvation of our souls, we direct, and for the sake of brevity herewith refer, every one to Dr. Luther's beautiful and glorious exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Living Seed of the Word Began To Grow

This post is sponsored by Honduras coffee.

I worked out a system to review books on Amazon and to get them accepted. I repost them on two blogs and many Facebook pages because we have an unusual situation. Several households are engaged in proclaiming the Word in various ways. I link them  with many different methods, because Search Engine Optimization builds visibility on the Net through search engines and the habit of going to favorite sites.

Alec Satin constantly publishes many books as free PDFs. They are ideal for searching and quoting, and they are portable:

Travis and Lauren Cartee produce YouTube readings at a similar rate -

Norma Boeckler patiently posts her Christian artwork on Facebook and produces even more. We have many new and old graphics on The Bethany Lutheran Hymn Blog (almost 11,000 views.

Missionary Pastor Jordan Palangyos and his wife Amabel started a new church for their people in the Philippines, literally from scratch. He communicates their work through his blog and videos.

Martin Chemnitz Friends blog (almost 14,000 views) is used to link readers to these faithful efforts. If someone or some production has been overlooked, please contact me.

Yesterday I said to Mrs. Ichabod, "Think how many dishonest people and unpleasant events it took to have a dream come true - and then some. We get to work with wonderful people. I get to write, teach, and edit with a lot of freedom." 

KJV Ephesians 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;

19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

κατα την δυναμιν (GJ - the power, dynomite, literally, the Spirit in the Word) την ενεργουμενην (GJ - energy, literally - works in us effectively) εν ημιν

21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

From the Lutheran Library - Jacobs' Book of Concord

Clear print, large format quality paperback available on Amazon by the Lutheran Librarian

Book Contents

  • Detailed Contents
  • Preface by Lutheran Librarian
  • Preface by Henry Eyster Jacobs.
  • Preface To The First Edition.
  • Preface To The Christian Book Of Concord.
  • The General Creeds: The Apostles’ Creed. The Nicene Creed. The Athanasian Creed.
  • The Augsburg Confession
  • The Apology Of The Augsburg Confession
  • The Smalcald Articles
  • The Small Catechism of Martin Luther
  • The Large Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther
  • The Formula Of Concord
  • The Saxon Visitation Articles

About the Translation

“The translation of the Augsburg Confession adopted in this volume is the well-known one of Dr. Charles P. Krauth, which he has kindly revised as the proof-sheets passed through his hands.

“In the Small Catechism, the translation prepared by Dr, Charles F. Schaeffer with the co-operation of a committee of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, and in universal use in the English churches of the General Council, is reprinted, with the addition of the formula for confession contained in the Book of Concord.

“The Large Catechism was translated for this work by Rev. A. Martin, Professor of the German Language and Literature in Pennsylvania College, to whom the Editor is greatly indebted for assistance and advice also in other directions.

“The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles and the Formula of Concord were translated by Henry Eyster Jacobs. The rendering of the Apology is from the Latin, the German translation of Justus Jonas of the Concordienbuch being more of a paraphrase than a translation, differing sometimes from the original by the omission, introduction and transposition of entire paragraphs, and therefore inducing the editors of some of the best German editions of the Symbolical Books to prepare fresh translations. We have, accordingly, carefully revised our translation from the Latin, by comparing it with the German translations of Schöpf, Köthe, Spieker and Bodemann.

Order a Printed Copy

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Loy's Sermon on the Mount


The Print Version of Loy's The Sermon on the Mount can be found here.


Matthias Loy - Sermons on the Epistles for the Church Year

“Salvation is the great end for which the Son of God came into the world. To restore fallen man to his original state of holiness and happiness, he must be delivered from the curse of sin that is upon him and the power of the devil that enslaves him.

“The mistake of those who direct all their efforts toward making men better and improving human society by teaching and enforcing the law… is of serious consequence to the souls of men… It can neither save their souls nor make them good… The only help for us is in Christ, without whom we can do nothing; and that help consists first of all in the forgiveness of our sins, which separate us from God and all that is good, and deprive us of all true peace and joy. Therefore the Christian life depends on faith in the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.

“‘Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.’ Rom. 5:1, 2.

On This Page

Matthias Loy (1828-1915) served as president of the Joint Synod of Ohio, the Columbus Seminary and Capital University, and edited the Lutheran Standard and the Columbus Theological Magazine. In 1881 he withdrew the Joint Synod from the Synodical Conference as a result of Walther’s teaching about predestination. Many of Matthias Loy’s books are available in Lutheran Library editions.

Book Contents

  • Preface by Lutheran Librarian
  • 1. It Is High Time To Awake Out Of Sleep. Rom. 13:11-14. The First Sunday In Advent.
  • 2. The Blessings Of Our Saviour’s Advent. Rom. 15:4-13. The Second Sunday In Advent.
  • 3. The Office Of The Gospel Minister. 1 Cor. 4:1-5. The Third Sunday In Advent.
  • 4. When Do We Rightly Appreciate The Nearness Of Our Lord? Phil. 4:4-7. The Fourth Sunday In Advent.
  • 5. The Grace Of God That Bringeth Salvation. Tit. 2:11-14. Christmas Day.
  • 6. Our Adoption As God’s Children. Gal 4:1-7. The Sunday After Christmas.
  • 7. Faith Is The Only Way Of The Sinner’s Justification. Gal. 3:23-29. New Year’s Day.
  • 8. God Saves Us. Tit. 3:4-8. Sunday After New Year.
  • 9. Shine, For The Light Has Come. Isaiah 60:1-6. Epiphany.
  • 10. The Christian’s Reasonable Service. Rom. 12:1-6. First Sunday After Epiphany.
  • 11. The Manifold Gifts Of God. Rom. 12:6-16. Second Sunday After Epiphany.
  • 12. Overcome Evil With Good. Rom. 12:17—21. Third Sunday After Epiphany.
  • 13. The Law of Love. Rom. 13:8-10. Fourth Sunday After Epiphany.
  • 14. The New Life In Practice. Col. 3:12-17. Fifth Sunday After Epiphany.
  • 15. The Sure Word Of God. 2 Pet. 1:16-21. Sixth Sunday After Epiphany.
  • 16. The Race For The Crown of Glory. 1 Cor. 9:24-10:5. Sunday Septuagesima.
  • 17. God’s Grace Is Sufficient In Every Trial. 2 Cor. 11:19-12:1—9. Sunday Sexagesima.
  • 18. The Excellency Of Christian Love. 1 Cor. 13:1-13. The Sunday Quinquagesima, Or Estomihi.
  • 19. How The Grace Of God Is Received In Vain. 2 Cor. 6:1-10. First Sunday In Lent, Or Invocavit.
  • 20. Abounding More and More in Holiness. 1 Thess. 4:1-7. The Second Sunday In Lent, Or Reminiscere.
  • 21. Walk As Children of Light. Eph. 5:1-9. Third Sunday In Lent, Or Oculi.
  • 22. The Gospel Makes Believers Free. Gal 4:21-31. The Fourth Sunday In Lent, Or Laetare.
  • 23. Christ As Our Great High Priest. Heb. 9:11-15. The Fifth Sunday In Lent, Or Judica.
  • 24. Our Savior’s Humiliation. Phil. 2:5-11. The Sixth Sunday In Lent, Or Palmarum.
  • 25. The Holy Supper. 1 Cor. 11:23—32. Maundy Thursday.
  • 26. Only Christ And Him Crucified. 1 Cor. 2:2. Good Friday.
  • 27. How Shall We Keep The Easter Feast? 1 Cor. 5:6-8. Easter Day.
  • 28. The Record Which God Hath Given Of His Son. 1 John 5:4-10. The First Sunday After Easter.
  • 29. Christ Our Example. Peter 2:21—25. The Second Sunday After Easter.
  • 30. How To Live A Christian Life. 1 Pet. 2:11-20. The Third Sunday After Easter.
  • 31. The Word Which Is Able To Save The Soul. James 1:16-21. The Fourth Sunday After Easter.
  • 32. The Doers Of The Word. James 1:22-27. The Fifth Sunday After Easter.
  • 33. The Significance Of Christ’s Ascension. Acts 1:1-11. Ascension Day.
  • 34. The Essentials Of Right Living. 1 Pet. 4:7-11. Sixth Sunday After Easter.
  • 35. The Coming Of The Holy Ghost. Acts 2:1-13. Whitsunday.
  • 36. The Unsearchableness Of God. Rom. 11:33-36. Trinity Sunday.
  • 37. The Christian’s Love To God. 1 John 4:16-21. First Sunday After Trinity.
  • 38. The Christian’s Love To His Brethren. 1 John 3:13-18. Second Sunday After Trinity.
  • 39. Christian Humility. 1 Pet. 5:6—11. Third Sunday After Trinity.
  • 40. Waiting For The Completed Redemption. Rom. 8:18-23. Fourth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 41. Be Followers Of That Which Is Good. 1 Peter 3:8-15. Fifth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 42. The Meaning Of Holy Baptism. Rom. 6:3-11. Sixth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 43. Why We Christians Should Strive After Holiness? Rom. 6:19-23. Seventh Sunday After Trinity.
  • 44. The Spirit of Adoption. Rom. 8:12-17. Eighth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 45. Take Heed Lest Ye Fall. 1 Cor. 10:6-13. Ninth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 46. The Divers Gifts Of The Spirit For The Common Benefit. 1 Cor. 12:1-11. Tenth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 47. The Gospel Of Our Salvation. 1 Cor. 15:1-10. Eleventh Sunday After Trinity.
  • 48. The Twofold Ministration Of The Word. 2 Cor. 3:4-11. Twelfth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 49. The Promise By Faith Of Jesus Christ. Gal. 3:15-22. Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 50. The Conflict Between The Spirit And The Flesh. Gal. 5:16-24. Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 51. Let Us Walk In The Spirit. Gal. 5:25 — 6:10. Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 52. Paul’s Prayer For Christians. Eph. 3:13-21. Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 53. Keep The Unity Of The Spirit. Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity. Eph. 4:1-6.
  • 54. God Is Faithful. Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity. 1 Cor. 1:4-9.
  • 55. Put Off The Old, Put On The New Man. Eph. 4:22-28. Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 56. How The Christian Walks Wisely. Eph. 5:15-21. Twentieth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 57. The Christian Warfare. Eph. 6:10-17. Twenty-first Sunday After Trinity.
  • 58. The Minister’s Joy In A Faithful People. Phil. 1:3-11. Twenty-second Sunday After Trinity.
  • 59. The Earthly And The Heavenly Mind. Phil. 3:17—21. Twenty-third Sunday After Trinity.
  • 60. Our Possessions In Christ. Col. 1:9-14. Twenty-fourth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 61. Our Comfort In Death. 1 Thess. 4:13-18. Twenty-fifth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 62. The End Of The World. 2 Pet. 3-14. Twenty-sixth Sunday After Trinity.

Order a Printed Copy - Loy's 

Epistles for the Church Year Copy

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Matthias Loy's Sermons on the Gospels for the Church Year
Print Version and Free PDF

“Have you not, dear brethren, sometimes given way to doubts about the mercy of Jesus when sin oppressed you sorely and its guilt and its curse stood in appalling blackness before your eyes? Is it not needful that we should again and again set the precious truth before our eyes, that Jesus receiveth sinners with an eager and earnest desire to save them?

“When you feel your burden of sin weighing heavily upon you, only go to Him… Only those who will not acknowledge their sin and feel no need of a Savior — only these are rejected. And these are not rejected because the Lord has no pity on them and no desire to deliver them from their wretchedness, but only because they will not come to Him that they might have life. They reject Him, and therefore stand rejected. But those who come to Him, poor and needy and helpless, but trusting in His mercy, He will receive, to comfort and to save.” – Matthias Loy

“We should again and again set the precious truth before our eyes, that Jesus receiveth sinners with an eager and earnest desire to save them.”

“When you feel your burden of sin weighing heavily upon you, only go to Him… Only those who will not acknowledge their sin and feel no need of a Savior — only these are rejected. And these are not rejected because the Lord has no pity on them and no desire to deliver them from their wretchedness, but only because they will not come to Him that they might have life. They reject Him, and therefore stand rejected. But those who come to Him, poor and needy and helpless, but trusting in His mercy, He will receive, to comfort and to save.” – Matthias Loy

Matthias Loy (1828-1915) is a theological giant of American Lutheranism. He served as president of the Joint Synod of Ohio, the Columbus Seminary and Capital University, and edited the Lutheran Standard and the Columbus Theological Magazine. In 1881 he withdrew the Joint Synod from the Synodical Conference as a result of Walther’s teaching about predestination. Many of Matthias Loy’s books are available in Lutheran Library editions.

On This Page

Clear print, large format quality paperback available on Amazon by the Lutheran Librarian

From the Introduction

“For years the want of a collection of sermons in the English language, similar to the Postils in extensive use for edification in our German churches, has been deeply felt, and the writer has been repeatedly requested to contribute something towards supplying that want. Believing that in a matter of this kind the judgment of others should not be disregarded, he has at last yielded to these solicitations and furnished the manuscript of the sermons forming this volume. For offering them to the public the Board of Publication of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ohio and other States is responsible.

Some History of the Copy Of This Book Restored By

Pasted into the front cover by original owner of this rare book

“One of the items taped into the back of the book is a 1936 postcard addressed to Mrs. Yost and Mattie. Mattie Yost is also the name written in the front of the book. I did a Google search on “Mattie Yost” and found a newspaper article from the early 1970s. It gave some biographical information and stated that she was in a nursing home at around 90 years old. Somehow, I think she’d be pleased that her old book had found its way to people who could use it.” – J. A.

A card taped into the book

Book Contents

  • ◊ Ephemera
  • About The Lutheran Library
  • Dedication
  • Preface by Lutheran Librarian
  • “The Gospel Shows the Father’s Grace” by Matthias Loy, 1863
  • Preface
  • 1. Thy King Cometh to Thee. Matt. 21:1-9. Advent Sunday.
  • 2. Christ’s Second Advent. Luke 21:25-36. Second Sunday in Advent.
  • 3. Testimony That Jesus is the Christ. Matt. 11:2-10. Third Sunday in Advent.
  • 4. The Preacher in the Wilderness. John 1:19-28. Fourth Sunday in Advent.
  • 5. The Savior is Born. Luke 2:1-14. Christmas
  • 6. Jesus is Set for the Fall and Rising of Many. Luke 2:33-40. Sunday After Christmas
  • 7. The Sacrament of Circumcision. Luke 2:21. New Year’s Day
  • 8. Hell Rages In Vain Against The Holy Child Jesus. Matt. 2:13-23. Sunday After New Year’s Day
  • 9. The Heathen Come To Worship Christ. Matt. 2:1-11. Ephiphany
  • 10. Lessons From The Youth Of Jesus. Luke 2:41-52. First Sunday After Epiphany
  • 11. What Jesus Does At The Marriage In Cana. John 2:1-11. Second Sunday After Epiphany
  • 12. Faith In The Redeemer. Matt. 8:1-13. Third Sunday After Epiphany
  • 13. The Christian In The Storm. Matt. 8:23-27. Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
  • 14. The Tares Among The Wheat. Matt. 13:24-30. Fifth Sunday After Epiphany.
  • 15. What The Transfiguration Of Jesus Teaches. Matt. 17:1-9. Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
  • 16. The Laborers In The Lord’s Vineyard. Matt. 20:1-16. Septuagesima
  • 17. The Different Hearers Of God’s Word. Luke 8:4-15. Sexagesima.
  • 18. Christ’s Last Journey To Jerusalem. Luke 18:31-43. Quinquagesima
  • 19. The Temptation Of Christ. Matt. 4:1-11. First Sunday In Lent (Invocavit).
  • 20. The Trial Of Faith. Matt 15:2-28. Second Sunday In Lent (Reminiscere).
  • 21. Human Conduct In Reference To Divine Testimony. Luke 11:14-28. Third Sunday In Lent (Oculi).
  • 22. The Believer Trusts Jesus Also In Temporal Things. John 6:1-14. Fourth Sunday In Lent (Laetere).
  • 23. Our Savior’s Treatment Of Satan’s Children. John 8:46-59. Fifth Sunday In Lent (Judica).
  • 24. How Shall We Honor Christ? Matt. 21:1-9. Palm Sunday
  • 25. The Death Of Christ. 1 Cor 15:3. Good Friday
  • 26. Christ’s Resurrection. Mark 16:1-8. Easter
  • 27. Jesus Gives His Disciples Peace. John 20:19-31. First Sunday After Easter
  • 28. The Good Shepherd. John 10:11-16. Second Sunday After Easter (Misericordias Domini).
  • 29. The Sorrow And Joy Of The Christian And Of The World. John 16:16-23. Third Sunday After Easter (Jubilate).
  • 30. The Object Of The Holy Ghost’s Mission. John 16:5-15. Fourth Sunday After Easter (Cantate).
  • 31. Christian Prayer. John 16:23-30. Fifth Sunday After Easter (Rogate).
  • 32. The Ascension Of Jesus. Mark 16:14-20. Ascension
  • 33. Witnessing For Jesus. John 15:26-16:4. Sixth Sunday After Easter (Exaudi).
  • 34. The Blessedness Of Those That Love The Lord. John 14:23-31. Pentecost
  • 35. The New Birth. John 3:1-15. Trinity Sunday
  • 36. The Place Of Torment. Luke 16:19-31. First Sunday After Trinity.
  • 37. The Call To The Great Supper. Luke 14:16-24. Second Sunday After Trinity.
  • 38. Jesus Receiveth Sinners. Luke 15:1-10. Third Sunday After Trinity.
  • 39. Be Ye Merciful As Your Father Is Merciful. Luke 6:36-42. Fourth Sunday After Trinity
  • 40. Labor In Obedience To God’s Word. Luke 5:1-11. Fifth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 41. The Righteousness That Avails Before God. Matt. 5:20-26. Sixth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 42. The Lord Will Provide. Mark 8:1-9. Seventh Sunday After Trinity
  • 43. Warning Against False Prophets. Matt. 7:15-23. Eighth Sunday After Trinity
  • 44. The Unjust Steward. Luke 16:1-9. Ninth Sunday After Trinity
  • 45. The Neglect Of The Things Which Belong To Our Peace. Luke 19:41-48. Tenth Sunday After Trinity
  • 46. The Way Of Justification. Luke 18:9-14. Eleventh Sunday After Trinity.
  • 47. Christ’s Healing Of Spiritual Deaf Mutes. Mark 7:31-37. Twelfth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 48. What Shall I Do To Inherit Eternal Life? Luke 10:23-37. Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 49. The Lepers Cleansed. Luke 17:11-19. Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 50. Man’s Only Proper Care. Matt. 6:24-34. Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity
  • 51. Jesus Wakes The Dead. Luke 7:11-17. Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity
  • 52. Beware Of The Leaven Of The Pharisees. Luke 14:1-11. Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 53. What Think Ye Of Christ? Matt. 22:34-46. Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity
  • 54. Jesus Forgives Sins. Matt. 9:1-8. Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity
  • 55. Who Are The Elect? Matt. 22:1-14. Twentieth Sunday After Trinity.
  • 56. Christian Faith. John 4:46-54. Twenty-first Sunday After Trinity
  • 57. The Wicked Servant. Matt. 18:23-35. Twenty-Second Sunday After Trinity
  • 58. The Christian Citizen. Matt. 22:15-22. Twenty-Third Sunday After Trinity
  • 59. The Great Physician. Matt. 9:18-26. Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Trinity
  • 60. The Judgment Upon Jerusalem As A Call To Prepare For The Last Judgment. Matt. 24:15-28. Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Trinity
  • 61. The Final Judgment. Matt. 25:31-46. Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Trinity.
  • Copyright Notice
  • How Can You Find Peace With God?

Special Dedication

A Grateful Thanks To Jonathan Anderson
Whose Gift Of This Rare And Wonderful Volume
Allows The Wisdom of Our Dear Brother Matthias Loy
To Be Made Available to New Generations
Of Believers in Jesus Christ.
From the Lutheran Library Editor.

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John 14 - Part 1 - Reformation Seminary Lecture - John 14 - Part 1

 YouTube htt ps:// 14 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, b...