Preaching on John by R C H Lenski

“Preaching on John is a series of exegetical-homiletical text studies in which the person of John the Evangelist and some of his choice teachings are treated. After submitting each text to a thorough and satisfying exposition in which applications to present-day life are constantly made, the author presents some sermon outlines and offers homiletic hints.”
“There is an abundance of helpful material here for a series of sermons on the disciple whom Jesus loved.” — From the back cover
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.
Book Contents
- Titlepage
- A word of introduction
- Contents
- The First Contact. John 1:35-42
- A Fisher of Men. Mark 1:14-20
- The Great Ambition. Matt. 20:20-23
- “Whom Jesus Loved.” John 13:21-26
- A Personal Trust. John 19:25-27
- God is Love. 1 John 4:7-11
- John’s Vision of Christ in Glory. Rev. 1:9-20
- The Thousand Years. Rev. 20:1-6
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2023
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0