Saturday, May 30, 2020

Complete Introduction - Understanding Luther's Galatians

Introduction by Gregory L. Jackson

By stealth, Lutherans have steadily eroded the Biblical doctrine of the Reformation, which established them as Evangelicals and Protestants, but now allowing others to use those names and surrendering to the worst inclinations of Calvinists, Pietists, and Roman Catholics. The uniting cause, to soothe every worldly conscience, is to declare that God in His grace has already declared the entire world absolved of all sin. After meeting together and devouring the perks of Thrivent publicity, the LCMS-WELS-ELS stated –


"Last but certainly not least, there was special joy to understand that we all hold to objective justification—that God declared the world righteous through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and that we all recognize it to be the urgent mission of the church to take this gospel to the entire world."

That particular shout of celebration may be difficult to find verbatim now, apart from a certain blog seldom named but often read. However, the gloating superiority and arrogance can be found in 60 or more essays in the WELS Essay Files.


Apostate Lutherans like to call themselves Confessional Lutherans, as if they have a special relationship with the Book of Concord and the doctrinal confessions within that masterpiece, a one-volume guide to the Bible. However, the most basic characteristic of a doctrinal confession is to state the affirmative belief as well as the rejected belief. The Objective Justification advocates behave as if only one truth exists – theirs – that Paul and Luther taught God absolved the entire world of its sins for all time. The key phrase is usually “God declared the world righteous,” dishonestly designated Justification, deceitfully portrayed as Biblical truth.

Dead silence often accompanies guilt, and the Objective Justification Lutherans are morbidly quiet about Luther’s Galatians Commentary. However, the Book of Concord editors, which these chameleons pretend to honor, wrote this in the Formula of Concord article on The Righteousness of Faith –

67] Concerning what is needful furthermore for the proper explanation of this profound and chief article of justification before God, upon which depends the salvation of our souls, we direct, and for the sake of brevity herewith refer, every one to Dr. Luther's beautiful and glorious exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians. (emphasis added)

Who is more neglected and scorned than Luther, mocked with silly trinkets for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, supplanted by rationalists and Calvinists like CFW Walther and JP Meyer? What book of Luther’s forgotten works is more unmentioned than Galatians?

What is more fitting for Crypto-Papist McCain to produce than a dog shirt and collar for the Reformation's 500th Anniversary?

The Lutheran Librarian (Alec Satin) and I discussed whether to use the shorter or longer version of Luther’s Galatians. We decided it was better to have people read the shorter version first rather than not own and not read the longer one. Anyone who loves Luther’s shorter version will seek out the later and longer exposition, truly a goldmine of insights about the Gospel, one he valued himself as a work worth keeping (with the Small Catechism) if the rest of his works were burned. 

Alec Satin will also produce an ebook and print version of Luther’s Galatians by itself, which will be more appealing to the never-Ichabods. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Understanding Luther's Galatians - Start Up

In the unlikely event of a typo, send corrections - in a kind, understanding, compassionate, and sensitive tone - to I keep suggestions in a folder for the initial edits of the book.

Some view the morning post as a health and wellness check, growing alarmed if I have not posted by 5 AM. I may post early and go back to the book most mornings. I will try to post my comments on Galatians as I move fowad. Everyone is moving fowad now, so I want to move fowad and be as transparent and diverse as possible.

WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC (sic) should welcome what I write, because it proves there is another side to Lutherdom today - a Biblical one.

Upcoming books in approximate order are:

  • The American Calvin: CFW Walther
  • The Bible - Text and Translations

    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...