Saturday, March 23, 2019

Upcoming Books - Luther's House Postils

The current books  have been ordered for the intended readers. That does not mean they have all arrived. In another week, if you feel like an actor whose name was not announced at the Oscar's, let me know. Amazon's method of printing and delivery can only be interpreted at Delphi.

Luther's House Postils are the priority now, and Volume 1 is close to being sent to Janie Sullivan. They will be available in color, black and white, free PDF, and combined PDF with the House Gems. Thus Luther fans could search 11 volumes of Luther's Sermons from two free (color) PDFs. Thanks to WM for suggesting the House Sermons and Alec Satin for jumping on the project.

Next Two Books
I will writing the Ichabod Lutheran Dictionary next, a way to explain basic concepts in one volume.

Saddened by the pathetic Biblical knowledge of the Lutheran leaders, I am putting together exegesis of the Justification by Faith passages. The LCMS convention starts on Mrs. Ichabod's birthday, July 20th, so I want the exegesis out and available before then, hoping the McCain-Otten-Harrison triumvirate will be allowed to retire with dignity, grace, and contrition for their grave doctrinal sins.

Future Projects
Another request came in, over the transom - a history of American Lutheranism. I countered with a doctrinal history, because pure history gets rather tedious and does not lead anywhere by itself. Many church historians are atheists or indifferent.

Other things may develop.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Printed - Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith

Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith just arrived. I know some are getting theirs today - or soon.

The book is a visual delight, thanks to Norma A. Boeckler. I kept it in large format because those prefer a printed book also like the larger size.

I have started another round of print orders.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Thank You - Janie Sullivan - For Making All My Books Available on DropBox

Janie Sullivan is our finishing editor, making the final print version and Kindle Ebook as attractive as possible. She put together this PDF library for sharing free with Lutherans around the world.

This is the one blog address that contains everything we are sharing with Lutherans around the world:

  1. Luther's Sermons - more to come.
  2. Gems from Luther's Sermons - another gems volume to appear.
  3. Lenski's New Testament commentaries - each one.
  4. Keil-Delitsch Old Testament direct link - very handy.
  5. The books I have written.
  6. The link to Alex Satin's Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - the old classics.

It will remain the main address, but technology changes, and we need backups here and there.

This is the DropBox link to all my books. They are free and public domain. Copy them, share them - no permission required. No fees.

I do not mind at all if you check them out and see if they download for you. I have found that it is best to open each file in Microsoft Edge as a PDF, then save locally. Otherwise it tends to open as a web page, which is more difficult to use.

You can also download straight into your own DropBox storage. I highly recommend DropBox for backups, big files, photos, etc.

 Norma A. Boeckler has designed all our covers and illustrated all the books. She loves doing this, and everyone loves her books.

Virginia Roberts jumped in to help with major editing tasks.

Free PDF of Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith.
Kindle Ebook Is Only 99 Cents

This Dropbox link is the final version of Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith - PDF. The print copy is taken from this file.

The Kindle Ebook Version of Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith is only 99 cents.

Post settings Labels Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith Published on 3/8/19, 8:39 PM Central Standard Time Permalink Location Search Description Options

    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...