Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Coming Events and Books - Bethany Lutheran Church

The Advent service each Wednesday at 7 PM is followed by a session on Henry Eyster Jacobs' A Summary of the Christian Faith, (print copy) - which can be ordered here.

A Summary of the Christian Faith is also an ebook from the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry.

Pilgrim's Progress - 
January and February
A study booklet will be produced for this set of lessons. We will use Wednesdays in January and February, before Lent, for these lessons.

The print book - Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress can be ordered here.

Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress ebook is linked here.

 Paine's Beginning Greek

Ash Wednesday and Onward -
The Complete Gospel of John in Greek
For Newcomers and Advanced Students

You need Paine - Beginning Greek: A Functional Approach - about $25 from Alibris, Amazon used books, etc.

John's Gospel of Faith is available free as a PDF and also for 99 cents as a Kindle. This is in English - a brief commentary.

Two Future Books
  1. Alec Satin is publishing Luther's Galatians. I plant on a study booklet about Galatians using Luther extensively.
  2. The book everyone will love or hate - CFW Walther - The American Calvin.

The eBook linked here.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Upcoming Posts and Educational Events

 Treasures from Luther's House Postils - full color - is only $3.65 when ordered directly from the Ich-abode. Copies might used as extra Christmas presents - sent stealthily to OJ fans. The Kindle version of Treasures is only 99 cents.

But Wait! There's More!

 A coffee hobbyist showed me how much could be put on one Kindle, so I asked Janie Sullivan to create a Kindle with all the House Postils and the Treasures. $2.99. That means 1,000 pages of Luther with Norma Boeckler's beautiful illustrations.
I will be checking to make sure both versions are in the free PDF folder for downloading from Dropbox. You do not need Dropbox to download those files.

My author's price is always about 40% of Amazon's non-profit price, because they add an extra amount for their profit.

I am thinking about how to treat the Ichabod Lutheran Lectionary, and I think I have a plan to limit it and make it useful - dealing with disputed topics and not trying to cover everything. Writing condensed topics is hard, slow work, so trying to write another RGG would never end.

Likewise, a history of American Lutherdom has to be focused rather than flitting from name to name, date to date. For that reason I am treating that as earlier (General Synod) and later (Walther cult) Pietism, since both branches come from Halle University Pietism and Rationalism.

But first, I am working on two projects.

  1. Updating the language of a public domain Luther's Galatians Commentary.
  2. Writing CFW Walther, The American Calvin.
 Pilgrim's Progress - the most read book in the English language, after the Bible, and translated into 200 languages.

Educational Programs

We are finishing the Gospel of Mark in Greek this Wednesday.

I am planning on teaching Pilgrim's Progress (Ustream) from January to Ash Wednesday, about 8 sessions. There will be a separate Facebook page for the alerts and the links.

The Gospel of John in Greek (Ustream) will start after Pilgrim's Progress, aiming for beginners but welcoming the veterans. There is nothing like having some knowledge of this Gospel in Greek and then repeating the process, reading it all over again. We will start slowly and complete the entire Gospel in Greek.

Reasons for Veterans To Return to the Fourth Gospel in Greek
  • First, there is the added knowledge of the Fourth Gospel, aka the Gospel of Faith, aka the Doctrinal Gospel.
  • Second, starting over with a reading knowledge means no longer wobbling along like a kid on his first two-wheeler.
Lutheran seminarians, they are fooling you if you think an introduction to Greek in summer school is going to be worth much. It takes time with the Greek text, no written-in words, no ponies (jimmies) to use while pretending to translate. Grammar and vocabulary are derived from reading, but translating is not derived from memorizing lists of vocabulary words and obscure grammar rules.

Some Possible Future Projects
Pastor Jordan Palangyos has asked about future book projects, and I am thinking about some Biblical booklets that can be used in English and also translated and and printed in Ilocano.

 Glen Kotten is our ambassador to the Philippines. We met him and worshiped with Chris and Pastor Jim Shrader in Sioux Falls in October. His church is also helping with the Philippine mission.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Lutheran Librarian - A Flowing Artesian Well of Classic Books

 A Summary of the Christian Faith is one of the most sought books by Lutheran seminarians. Henry Eyster Jacobs' work is a clear explanation of basic Lutheran, Biblical doctrine.

 A flowing artesian well - U.S. Navy photo by Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Ken Mazer. One never knows until the well is tapped.

Look up Lutheran Librarian on Amazon and click "follow" to receive news of the latest publications.

"The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry finds, restores and republishes good, readable books from Lutheran authors and those of other sound Christian traditions. All titles are available at little to no cost in proofread and freshly typeset editions. Many free e-books are available at our website LutheranLibrary.org. Please enjoy this book and let others know about this completely volunteer service to God’s people. May the Lord bless you and bring you peace."

Infant Baptism and Salvation in Calvinism
by Charles Krauth

 New Testament Conversions -
by George Gerberding

Joseph Hocking - Sham

Edward Roe - Without a Home

 Looking up these linked books will lift the titles higher in the search engines. Each book is briefly described on its own page. Look up Lutheran Librarian on Amazon and click "follow" to receive news of the latest publications.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Luther's House Postils and the Treasures - One Small Step for Amazon,
One Giant Leap for Lutherdom

 This was the final goal, to have Luther's House Postils in color, merged into one place with the Treasures (quotations) from those volumes - on Kindle $2.95 - and on a free PDF.
At least it was the final goal, until Luther's Galatians came up as a new project.

Janie Sullivan and Norma A. Boeckler always humor me when I aim at publishing on the cutting edge of media. This was a big project, starting with:

  1. Warren Malach asking for the three-volume Postils set, 
  2. Alec Satin getting the basic text together, a major task,
  3. Virginia Roberts helping with editing and the Treasures,
  4. Norma A. Boeckler illustrating all four volumes in color and designing the covers,
  5. Janie Sullivan drawing it together for print, Kindle, and free PDFs, and
  6. HAL at Amazon finishing the work and approving.

As the educational expert from the Left Coast wrote, "The day may come when we will have much more suppression of materials. It is good to have them distributed in advance, in many places." (paraphrased) Various experiences led to making everything from here public domain and non-profit (not that much profit ever piled up). Alec Satin does this with free eBooks (Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry) and low cost printed books (Lutheran Librarian).

Some were not able to read all eight volumes of Luther's Sermons merged on Kindle (though Janie and others could), but I found this House Postils set plus the Treasures could be read easily as one unit on my version of Kindle. That means 1,000 pages of Luther's household sermons, plus some of the best passages from those sermons.

Why Spend Money To Publish and Make No Money on Kindle?
First of all, I am appalled at those who rob fellow Lutherans by charging outrageous prices for their Kindle versions. They could make a modest profit and facilitate an enormous interest in Luther and other great authors. We are publishing at the lowest price possible, sending books out at the author's price (no profit and a much lower price than Amazon's set amount) - and also for free. Yes, we gladly send out free books.

And if we want to read their own hateful bilge, like David Scaer's Surviving the Storm, we would not have to miss a meal to read it on Kindle. (Waldo Werning's niece asked WW before he died, "Are you training someone to take your place?") We have the answer - Yes, David Scaer - Waldo reborn - from The Fort, sometimes pronounced with the St. Louis Irish dialect.

The main reason for Kindle, now that I have had some fun - is the world-wide distribution. We heard from Africa, "Your PDF does not open on my cell phone." This made Mrs. Ichabod laugh, because we only have a flip phone. As digital devices get cheaper and more widely used in the Third World, Kindle is the natural bridge to those people.

Kindle Version - Treasures from Luther's House Postils - 99 cents.

The Treasures from Luther's House Postils - Full Color - Print, Kindle, and free PDF

Why print, Kindle, and free PDF the Treasures by itself?

This volume had to come at the end, after the three volumes of sermons were published. The quotations cite the page number and volume of each one of the selected passages from Luther. The idea is to provide a lot more reading of Luther rather than quips snatched out of the air and left without a source. ("I dunno. I heard that he said that.")

Secondly, some might want to own or give away the full color, illustrated printed quotations for only $3.95. The sermons are like phone books (remember those?). The Treasures are slender, in large print, and far less expensive to obtain in color.

The free PDF of the Treasures alone is easy to share with someone not familiar with Luther.

The free PDF of all the House Postils plus the Treasures is found here at this Dropbox link.

Between the Gems Mined from the Lenker Luther Sermons and the Treasures from the House Postils, a pastor or seminary student has a wealth of passages to quote. He might want to make Luther familiar to those otherwise assaulted by the wisdom of Fuller Seminary, Willow Crick, and the professors too lazy to earn a real doctorate.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Treasures from Luther's House Postils

 Norma A. Boeckler designed the covers and interior of Treasures from Luther's House Postils.

Janie Sullivan has the files for Treasures from Luther's House Postils. I asked her to take her time since she has just moved into a new apartment. This will yield:

  1. The large format, full color collection of quotations from the household sermons of Luther;
  2. A Kindle ebook version for 99 cents;
  3. A free PDF of the book;
  4. A merger of the three volumes of sermons and the Treasures  in a low-cost Kindle and a free PDF.
I asked my father why he made long johns with vanilla icing and regular bread donuts (circular) with the same dough and the same icing. He said, "Because people have their favorites. The more we offer, the more they like the selections."

Even Jay Webber, bereft of any knowledge of Luther, solemnly announced that Luther's Galatians was "an important book." Yes, it is so important that he utterly ignored its content in his epic fail essay. In contrast, John Bunyan said the Galatians commentary was his most read book, after the Bible.

I have several projects in mind for the near future, including CFW Walther: The American Calvin. However, having a modern and inexpensive Galatians - full-sized - struck me as a priority. The public domain translations are very much in KJV English, which is no problem for me, but a barrier for many people. Also, a public domain version in plain English would be easier to translate.

Since the Gospel is the Pearl of Great Price, Matthew 13, it only seems right to collect Luther's pearls from this great book. He said his books could be burned, except for the Small Catechism and Galatians. I read every page of it to Mrs. Ichabod, and we both enjoyed it.

I said yesterday, "I don't have much in valuables, but I can offer a goldmine, gems, treasures, and pearls from Biblical, Lutheran doctrine." Mrs. Ichabod thought that was a good alternative and far more lasting. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Audio Gutenberg - New Ministry for Those Who Enjoy Great Texts Read via YouTube

 Travis and Lauren Cartee - Audio Gutenberg

When Travis and Lauren Cartee joined our little congregation, he sent an audio he was working on, related to Lutheran doctrine.

Mrs. Ichabod said, "What a voice!" I agreed. Travis and I began talking about the opportunities, especially because of his interest in traditional Lutheran doctrine.

He is now uploading videos to YouTube. Subscribe to Audio Gutenberg to keep up.

I suggested making this a vocation supported by those of us who appreciate this kind of work, scattering the living Seed, the Word of God.

His PayPal account email is tcartee.cgc@gmail.com

If you do not like PayPal, you can send a check to the church address, 1104 Letha Drive, Springale, AR, 72762.

Anything designated for Audio Gutenberg will be sent to Travis and Lauren, 100%, as we do with the Bethany Lutheran Mission in the Philippines.

May God bless their work, because faith comes from hearing the Gospel spoken, Romans 10.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Mission Booklet for the Philippines and All Missions.
The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior

 The back cover, John 3:16, is designed by Norma A. Boeckler and translated by Pastor Jordan Palangyos.

Pastor Jordan Palangyos started a mission and began working on a church building, which is partially finished.

I wrote a brief booklet to be used (public domain, non-profit) and translated by anyone who wishes to have it. No permissions are needed.

 The front cover is designed by Norma A. Boeckler, and the interior is also illustrated by our artist-in-resident.

The English version The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior is available on Amazon and Kindle.

The translated version will be printed at the mission because that is more economical. I understand the cost of the printer has already been donated.

When the rainy season is over, the mission will be able to complete their small building.

Print version.
Kindle version of the Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Customer Review

The Path To Understanding Justification begins with the Scriptures.

June 30, 2019
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase
Gregory L Jackson PhD is a confessional Lutheran theologian, pastor, and teacher. He received a STM degree in Biblical studies from Yale in 1973 and he earned a Master's degree and a PhD in theology at the University of Notre Dame in 1982.

Dr Jackson wrote:

“Justification has been taught in two contradictory ways. The traditional teaching has always been Justification by Faith. That is the well-know phrase used by the Holy Spirit and St Paul, repeated as the Chief Article by Luther, Melancthon, and the Book of Concord editors. ... However, the Pietists and Rationalists, ever since Halle University's F. Schleiermacher, have defined Justification as God declaring the whole world forgiven and saved, apart from faith".

In this book, Dr Jackson does the following:

1. Outlines the Biblical Lutheran principle of Justification by Faith
2. Shows how Justification by Faith has been supplanted in the Lutheran conservative denominations by the false doctrine of Universal Justification apart from Faith (known as Objective Justification). He traces the historical progression of Objective Justification from the post-Reformation period through the present day.
3. Explains how Objective Justification has produced the lack of vitality and power we see in the conservative Lutheran denominations today (ELS, LCMS, WELS).

I would recommend this book to someone who wishes to understand the principle of Justification by Faith as it is taught in the Bible, how this principle has come to be disregarded by conservative Lutheran denominations. and the effects this action has had on present-day conservative Lutheran denominations.

Dr Jackson discusses the problems of present day Christian denominations on his internet blog. Google ichabodthegloryhasdeparted for the URL. He conducts a weekly traditional Lutheran worship service via the internet, the blog has a link to the broadcast site which also has archived broadcasts.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Free Offer Starting on June 12th, 2018

 The Path To Understanding Justification -
was buried and obscured by neglect.

I have made it possible for new readers to get the Kindle version of The Path To Understanding Justification - for FREE!

It lasts 7 days, and it is only for the USA. You can still get the free PDF, but Kindle is handy for a lot of reasons.

The information will be posted tomorrow when the offer goes live.

 Will the LCMS candidates for Synod President be able to explain this verses, which anchor the doctrine of Justification by Faith?

Friday, June 7, 2019

The 99 Cent Kindle Version of The Path To Understanding Justification Is Already Available

 Why do OJ Stormtroopers beat a dead horse all day?
Answer - Because they know so little about the Bible, so much about synod politics.

The Kindle ebook version of The Path To Understanding Justification is already available at this link - for 99 cents.

HAL has to check over the print version before that becomes available, perhaps later today.

For those who want the book without using Kindle -

Free PDF at the Link Below
Click here for the final version of The Path To Understanding Justification.


The author's price for the print book (full color, covers and illustrations by Norma A. Boeckler) will be around $8.

The primary goal of the book is to deal with the clear, plain teaching of Justification by Faith in the Scriptures.

WELS and LCMS leaders are lying when they claim Objective Justification was their original, official teaching. In both cases, the catechetical material was purely Justification by Faith, as proven in the book. But that was slowly and craftily jettisoned in favor of the Calvinistic, Pietistic Objective Justification of Bishop Martin Stephan and his disciple CFW Walther.

Following the example of Walther as a sly, deceptive politician, his heirs have used OJ as a hammer to get rid of those who would rob them of their coveted titles, honors, and luxuries.

They do not denounce Justification by Faith. No, they scream "He denies Objective Justification!"

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Now in Print - The Path To Understanding Justification - Free PDF

 This brick path was hidden for over 25 years, until the new owner started digging.

Click here for the final version of The Path To Understanding Justification.


I have also posted the link in the free books section at the top of the page, too.

Anyone can download and share the pdf, which is the file used for printing the book. There are no limitations to sharing, quoting, or translating the book. Only the movie rights and choice of the cast are reserved.

I included the Greek text in many places so anyone with training can easily see that persistent cluster of words from Genesis 15:6 (LXX) to Romans 4 - believed, counted, righteousness.

I also included the proof - in German - of very early Missouri Synod catechisms that teach Justification by Faith in the clearest possible terms, plus the evidence that they changed to Objective Justification - the greatest denominational swindle in history - except WELS did the same thing.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Upcoming Books

 According to David Scaer, Moses was a synergist, because he described Justification by Faith. No Objective Justification! Not only that, lacking OJ, nothing is left but sanctification. Moses was a Romanist too.

Volume 2 of Luther's House Postils is at Amazon and requires a little tinkering.

Volume 3 is read to upload there this week.

The Path to Understanding Justification is almost done, rough draft.

The next two titles will be:

The Ichabod Lutheran Dictionary

American Lutheran Doctrinal History

Logically, the phrase subjective justification can only have meaning if there is objective or some other kind of prior justification. Remove “objective” from the justification equation, then subjective justification becomes nothing other than sanctification, God’s work within the sinner to make him a believer. That is the Roman Catholic position. If subjective justification completely defines God’s justification of the sinner, then Christ can be seen as the cause of justification, but not the one who completes it. This can only be done by faith. If this is so, all theology is not Christology.
Scaer, David P. Surviving the Storms: Memoirs of David P. Scaer (Kindle Locations 5575-5580). Luther Academy. Kindle Edition.

    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...