Friday, February 10, 2017

Rules of Book Reviewing - For Search Engine Optimization

 Click here for the Pastor Gregory L. Jackson author page,
pick a title, and write a review.
For each one, an angel will get his wings.

The social media work through big data. They associate things together, which makes the most popular ones come out on top in searches. That explains why people began complaining about this blog coming out on top in all searches of Lutheran topics, not to mention Lutheran graphics.

The answer is Search Engine Optimization. I use links within all articles to build up SEO.

As the graphic above shows, even a brief review will help a title come up in searches.

 Norma Boeckler's Amazon page is here.
Click and write a review.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Lutheran Pastor Enjoys These Books

From a Lutheran Pastor:
Love your Greek lessons, especially the approach.  If you're willing to take in a Lutheran pastor who has a lot of exposure to language but has never made the Greek Bible his own, I would like to take your class.  How would I join the live Thursday class?  Or I will keep following the recorded lessons. [GJ - See below. We practice Open Greek Lessons.]

I have enjoyed lurking on your sites for years and purchased several of your books.  My favorite is still Thy Strong Word.  Currently, I have my copy lent to a congregational member who is loving it too.  

My son's favorite is Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran.  

Stay faithful & God bless you.


GJ - Anyone can follow the live Ustream broadcast on Thursdays. 7 PM Thursdays.

The relevant posts and saved videos are found on the Facebook page -

We make books available at little to no cost for those who appreciate them.

Every time someone clicks on that link, an angel gets his wings.

 If you love angels, click on the link above - or this one.

    KJV John 19 17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: 18 ...